Zine Writing
Zines are an opportunity to express yourself. I was first drawn to zines as a way to share all the random magickal thoughts I had in my head. The first zine I created was "THRIFTWITCH - Celebrating Solstice" as a gift for my community. As 2019 began I was looking for a way to stay focused on creating every week, and the project 52 Feathers was born. Now in 2020 I'm thoroughly addicted to zine culture.

A zine about Crystals & their Magick
This is my weekly zine project for 2020, featuring a different crystal, mineral, or gem each week. Current issues include Selenite, Moonstone, Amazonite, and Garnet.
An intimate zine exploring magick & goddesses with unique art, recipes, poems, and rituals. The 2019 cycle focused on the Wiccan wheel of the year with 8 issues. 2019 features the elements; air, fire, water, earth.
Written weekly in 2019, this zine weaves together art, myth, medicine, and ritual for magic and bird lovers alike. Featuring many birds from Crow to Eagle to Chickadee to Peacock.

52 Petals, a zine journey from 2021, through the language of flowers. Each week a new flower is encountered. Each issue features an invocation, myth and lore of the flower from ancient times to the present, and a short perzine introduction. Issues include Rose, Tulip, Sunflower, and Indigo.

Inspired by the theme of Love, THRIFTWITCH Remix features a different papercraft. Previous issues have included a fortune teller, pop-up shrine, victorian love note, and scavenger hunt mini zine.