Last week for the Full Moon in Libra I drew the Rattle from my Daughters of the Moon Tarot Deck. In the Tarot the Tens represent completion, which is an auspicious card to draw when the moon is also Full.
The Ten of Blades speaks to the power of hearing everyone's voice at the table and taking the time to create spaces that can become a forum for everyone. It was affirming card to draw, as I hope that my Twitch Channel and Patreon, where a lot of discussion around these crafts is happening, can be a welcoming space for novice and experienced crafters alike.
In addition, the Rattle is a powerful magickal tool! It supports the nervous system with its rhythmic sound and encourages shaking. Shaking is a healthy part of the adrenaline cycle, allowing extra energy to pass out of the body once any initial fear or trauma has been experienced. I've had a lot of extra adrenaline in my body lately. Every time I tune into the news, or step outside there is something to trigger my system. So having another magickal and artistic tool in my arsenal feels really good to me right now. I am looking forward to this craft-a-long!
No account is necessary to follow along, although if you want to participate in the chat or ask questions you will need to create a Twitch account. It's easy and Free.
Preparing for the Craft-a-Long
In preparation for the Craft-a-Long, since you likely don't have a rattle yet, check out this playlist of rattle music and do a little shake dance.

When working with the energy of Rattle you can begin the shaking with your hand, and then let that powerful movement spread to your whole body. Shake! Shake! Shake! until it becomes silly or restful. Both are options for your body to celebrate the completion of the adrenaline cycle.
You could even speak aloud calling out each part of yourself, saying shake the hands, then shake the feet, and so forth until you've shook every part of yourself. When you are complete place your hands over your face. Check in with yourself. Who are you after all of this shaky business? Allow the darkness of your hands to create a safe place for exploration and inquiry. Be kind with yourself. This exercise is inspired by a warm-up I learned with Turning the Wheel.
After your shaking and check in you can begin to gather the materials.

Traditionally Rattles have been be made of all kinds of natural materials. Hide, shells, and gourds are popular choices for making rattles in shamanic practices. Since most of us don't have dried hide, turtle shells, or beautifully prepared gourds lying around we will be approaching rattle making from a different angle. This craft-a-long is about making a noise maker that is nourishing for you! Even the most mundane objects can be turned into something sacred with the right intention and attention.

A cardboard tube, from the center of wrapping paper, paper towel rolls, aluminum foil or even toilet paper. If using something from the bathroom you may wish to disinfect it before starting to craft.
Rice, dried corn, beans, seed beads, bird seed, pebbles, or any other small material that you can fill your rattle with to make a pleasing sound.
A stick, or stick like object. I will be using an old spoon.
Tape or Fabric & String
Beautiful and found papers
Natural objects like feathers or shells
Anything else you feel called to decorate your Rattle with
The hope for these craft-a-longs is that you can begin creating without the need to order supplies or go to the store, since most of us are settled in at home. If you don't have a specific material I encourage you to think outside the box and see what else might be available to you.
See you Thursday! Can't wait to get crafty with you and make some noise!
Live on my Twitch Stream Thursday April 16th from 1-4pm mtn and again on Friday from 11-2 mtn to create a Rattle on Twitch.
No account is necessary to follow along, although if you want to participate in the chat or ask questions you will need to create a Twitch account. It's easy and Free.

Support the Craft-a-Long
All of my craft-a-longs are shared freely on Twitch. However if you are nourished by the weekly offering consider supporting them by joining my growing Patreon Community and receive a packet of handmade Joy Charms.
Support my Craft-a-Long streams on Twitch, I've added a perk to my Patreon. There are only fifteen slots available for the Joy Charms.
And if you are already a patron of my Patreon, first THANK YOU! and second you can increase your patronage by $3 a month to opt in for the Joy Charm Mailing.