What better way to start a New Year than with a shiny new series of Paintings?!

I was swept into a creative frenzy this weekend, finishing six new paintings for a show at my local coffee shop. I had known about the show since May, being invited back after hanging the Wellness Spheres at Ozo on Pearl in April of 2020. When I got the invitation to hang another show in January at the Arapahoe store I thought to myself, "Perfect! I have 9 months to birth a new series." However in that time I only completed four paintings and started only two more. Determined to keep my covenant with my creative soul I endeavored to complete the series in only four days. And I did!
This new series are paintings of hope, bursting with color and shine to honor the grand work of our worlds pollinators. Images of bees, birds, butterflies, and flowers dance across the canvas.

Virtual Art Opening
Friday January 8th at 1:30pm
On Twitch twitch.tv/magick_socks
Poems for Pollinators are Paintings for Hope
I stood next to a triumphant patch of Milk Thistle and felt the bees thrumming the air. I knew I needed to capture that exhilaration in paint and color. On these canvases I share my hopes for a world that continues to thrive with bees, birds, butterflies, and flowers.

Ozo's January Art Show "Poems for Pollinators"
On display January 5th - 31st; 5340 Arapahoe Ave, Boulder, CO 80303
Grab a coffee, support a local business, and see these beauties in person before the month is over. May they bring cheer and color into your life!
