My B I G & N E W venture is 2019 is to write a whole bunch of zines! I have admired zines and zine creators from afar for years and years and years, and I finally jumped in with two feet, creating my first two.

52 Feathers
My latest endeavor to deepen my relationship with Bird Messengers through writing a weekly zine. Each issue will release on Tuesday and will explore the myths and medicine of a specific bird, weaving together art, personal story, and ritual. This zine is perfect for magic and bird lovers alike.
Crow is the first Bird Messenger I am exploring. This issue is available now on Etsy. It has eight beautiful pages weaving art and musings on Crow energies. There was more then I could possibly fit into eight small pages, however I hope you enjoy the pieces I did choose to share and ruminate on.
There is so much more then I could ever say about each bird in eight beautiful pages of these zines, so supplemental content is being posted on my Patreon Account. Head on over there to sign up for even more goodies.

T H R I F T W I T C H | Vol 1 | Winter Solstice
Available in my shiny new Etsy store. Its choc-a-bloc full of beautiful art by yours truly, information about the season of Solstice, and even includes a fun ritual and recipe to deepen into winter. Even though Winter Solstice has passed we are still living through that part of the cycle until February 1st, when Vol 2 | Imbolc will hit the stores. Be sure to let me know what you think.

Never want to miss an issue of my Zines?
Want to be a part of this flight of fancy all year?
You can sign up to be a patron of the project through my shiny new Patreon account. There are several levels of patronage that you can choose from, each with its own fun perks.
In addition to 52 Feather subscriptions you can also choose to receive my other zine THRIFTWITCH. Or for the most basic level of support you can access fun freebies.