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In The Beginning: A Sound Art Project

Writer's picture: Khiri LeeKhiri Lee

In The Beginning2012Time: 6:38 Created for Intro to Sound Art Studio (ARTS 3097)Professor Dr. George Rivera


I wanted to make a collage of sounds for this project. Most of my art is multimedia and I didn’t want to stray away from that theme for this project. I collected a lot of sounds, some found, some created to blend together and create the ambient soundscape I am presenting. I recorded words from my poetry, lines from Genesis in the Bible, and blended that with found recordings from nature. I was interested in constructing somewhat of a narrative with the aural collage. I narrowed my selection down to these sounds because not only did they sound elegant and beautiful, but they held the eeriness, mystery, and tragedy of the story I wanted to tell, the creation story of Eve, mother of humanity.

I have always been fascinated by the story of Adam and Eve. The Fall of man is such an interesting beginning for humanity because it is full of ambiguity. It is such a short narrative, with very few characters, and the majority of the tale has been left up to the imagination. With so much left unsaid about the creation of man and their fall from paradise, thousands of individuals for generations have looked back and tried to make sense of where we might come from. From God, From a garden, From a rib, From a tree of knowledge, From the deceptions of one lone snake? So many swirling possibilities that I too had to tackle this elusive story with my own interpretations and retell in once again with sound.


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