How often do you just get together with some girlfriends, watch a silly movie in your pj’s, and make some art? For me not often enough. I was having a rough time my senior year at CU (University of Colorado), and so I needed a break from the essays. I invited some pals over and we got creative!
This was my creation from the evening. I believe the movie playing during this artistic process was Rango. My favorite part of the collage is the top left corner. I tore every word apart so I could make them curve, which I have never tried before. I really like the effect it had on the rest of the collage. And I like the message.
Life Doesn’t Have to Be this Hard.
A good reminder for my present state in the world. I think I will arrange a slumber party for me a my lady friends to relax with some silly movies and yummy art supplies.