I feel blessed to have been invited onto the Vision Team for Body Earth Collective’s absolutely life-changing event Body Alive NYE – Prismic Vision 2020.
I attended their NYE event last year, and it rocked my world. It prepared me for so many of the amazing opportunities that spiraled into my life this year. The midnight meditation was affirming, the music and dancing was invigorating, and the community was palpable.
Ritual Procession
To activate the event and begin creating the portal to transition into the new decade a ritual procession has been choreographed by the wonderful Maria Flegas, of Shamanic Dolls, and Joy Vita Verde. To support the energy of this ritual I have created seven animal masks. These animal allies showed up through oracle to be a part of the event, and each on brings such powerful medicine to the room.
In addition to appearing as avatars in ritual procession these animal masks will also be on seven prismic altars throughout the space. The event is across three floors, with dancing, meditation, participatory performance art and art installations peppered throughout. These seven altars hold and connect these spaces with the magic of the rainbow and the protection of the animal allies.
Chakra Rooms
Crown – Snake – Violette – Light Club
3rd Eye – Hawk – Indigo – 3rd Eye Sky Shrine
Throat – Bat – Blue – Diamond Light Healing Temple
Heart – Antelope – Green – Heart Lounge
Solar Plexus – Swan – Yellow – Transition spaces
Sacral – Skunk – Orange – CI/Workshops – Cafe
Root – Rabbit – Red – DJs – Renaissance Room
Animal Mask Creation
Creating these masks has been a huge push of my creative efforts. It has been many years since I created with Papier-mâché , and I forgot how satisfying it is to sculpt in 3D. Here are some images from my process:
I am brimming with anticipation for New Years! To see these masks come alive at the event is an artists dream. I will be activating the Violet Snake Mask for the procession, which will be on the Crown Altar in a participatory dream fort installation. I am so ready to dance, ritual, meditate, create, and play into the 2020.